Paper V3


Uni­que, high-dose magne­si­um liquid! Can be appli­ed quick­ly and easi­ly via roll-on!

○ quick help for ten­se and hea­vy mus­cles
○ Acti­ve ingre­di­ents are quick­ly absor­bed
○ sel­ec­ti­ve, tar­ge­ted appli­ca­ti­on to the desi­red skin area
○ Can be easi­ly inte­gra­ted into your dai­ly rou­ti­ne
○ No skin into­le­ran­ces known

Paper V3
Pro­duct descrip­ti­on:

LIQUID32 is a roll-on pro­duct that is used for exter­nal appli­ca­ti­on to the skin. The uni­que com­po­si­ti­on is much more than just magne­si­um. The roll-on appli­ca­tor allows you to tre­at spe­ci­fic are­as. Using our magne­si­um liquid effec­tively helps to increase magne­si­um levels and help whe­re it is nee­ded. A tar­ge­ted appli­ca­ti­on on the arm, leg or neck is par­ti­cu­lar­ly effec­ti­ve becau­se the skin the­re is thin­ner and the liquid is more easi­ly absor­bed.

Bene­fit from the fol­lo­wing advan­ta­ges over con­ven­tio­nal magne­si­um:
  • Helps with mus­cle soreness, mus­cle cramps and har­dening of the arte­ries and for pre­ven­ti­on.

  • Increased per­for­mance through less pain and mus­cle soreness.

  • More effec­ti­ve trai­ning.

  • Less cum­ber­so­me.

  • Mus­cles are more resi­li­ent when the mus­cles are rela­xed.

  • Helps the body to rege­ne­ra­te.

  • Coun­ter­acts the trans­mis­si­on of exci­ta­ti­on in the ner­ve cells.

  • Pre­vents the body from releasing too many stress hor­mo­nes (cor­ti­sol & adre­na­line).

  • Increa­ses ener­gy meta­bo­lism.

  • Helps the pro­duc­tion of sero­to­nin (hap­pi­ness hor­mo­nes).

  • Posi­ti­ve pro­per­ties for sleep dis­or­ders.

  • Release of the body’s own hor­mo­nes, e.g. insu­lin, is depen­dent on magne­si­um.

  • Pro­te­in syn­the­sis is depen­dent on magne­si­um.

  • Streng­thening of vas­cu­lar mus­cles & blood pres­su­re.

  • Helps with migrai­nes becau­se of the increased need for magne­si­um.

  • Sup­ports the increased need for magne­si­um during pregnan­cy and breast­fee­ding.

  • Less stress, with too much stress the magne­si­um level drops.

Uni­que, high-dose magne­si­um liquid!

Uni­que ORGANIC ingre­di­ents
for a per­fect pro­duct

32% Magne­si­um

Dis­sol­ved magne­si­um chlo­ri­de flakes are very good and healt­hy for all age groups. Once you start using them regu­lar­ly, you will impro­ve your elec­tro­ly­te balan­ce, redu­ce mus­cle fati­gue and streng­then your bones!

Orga­nic aloe vera

Sur­vi­vor, desert beau­ty, acti­ve ingre­di­ent talent – hard­ly any other ingre­di­ent pro­vi­des your skin with as many vit­amins and nut­ri­ents as the popu­lar aloe vera.

Orga­nic plant-based col­la­gen

Vege­ta­ble col­la­gen sup­pli­es the skin with the pro­te­in it needs and thus coun­ter­acts the signs of aging while mois­tu­ri­zing and pro­tec­ting against exter­nal influen­ces.


DMSO has a drag func­tion and has a cell-expan­ding effect. That’s why it is used in (natu­ral) medi­ci­ne, par­ti­cu­lar­ly as an admix­tu­re for herbs and sub­s­tances such as zinc or magne­si­um. It is also said to have a heal­ing effect against strains, inflamm­a­ti­on and ten­si­on.

Rock crys­tals

The effect on the psy­che: The rock crys­tal binds earth rays and water jets into posi­ti­ve ener­gy. It cle­an­ses mind and soul. Rock crys­tal also dis­sol­ves ener­gy blocka­ges. The rock crys­tal helps its wea­rer to make fair and clear decis­i­ons.

Alka­li­ne water, made from moun­tain water

The alka­li­ne pH value sti­mu­la­tes the skin’s natu­ral mois­tu­ri­zing pro­cess. It smoot­hes cracks and wrink­les and adapts to the natu­ral struc­tu­re in an ide­al way.


Gent­ly mas­sa­ge par­ti­cu­lar­ly stres­sed mus­cle are­as. This allows the liquid to pene­tra­te the skin bet­ter and deve­lop its maxi­mum effect.
If neces­sa­ry, repeat the appli­ca­ti­on seve­ral times a day.

tar­ge­ted appli­ca­ti­on

App­ly LIQUID32 spe­ci­fi­cal­ly to the desi­red area of skin.

seve­ral times a day

LIQUID32 can be appli­ed to par­ti­cu­lar­ly stres­sed mus­cle groups seve­ral times a day as nee­ded. We recom­mend con­ti­nuing the tre­at­ment for at least 4 weeks, depen­ding on the seve­ri­ty of the dise­a­se and age.


We are loo­king for new sales part­ners to opti­mi­ze and expand our glo­bal sales net­work. If you requi­re fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on or are inte­res­ted in working with us in the area of con­tract manu­fac­tu­ring, plea­se use our form:

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