The com­pa­ny foun­der Ste­fan Gei­sel comes from a far­ming fami­ly. The expe­ri­en­ces of his par­ents and grand­par­ents, who in turn had a lot to say about their ances­tors, encou­ra­ged the young man to learn the pro­fes­si­on of far­ming. After pas­sing the sta­te exami­na­ti­on in 1981, he began a dual cour­se of stu­dy to beco­me an agri­cul­tu­ral tech­ni­ci­an.

Healt­hy nut­ri­ti­on, the use of harm­less sub­s­tances for the far­mer, the ani­mals and the end con­su­mer are still his goal today.

In Aus­tria he met a che­mist with a doc­to­ra­te who made the dis­in­fec­tant for the Eas­tern astro­nauts hims­elf. Lon­ger stays with orga­nic far­mers in Aus­tria and Tyrol taught him how to use it in prac­ti­ce. Healt­hy, hap­py ani­mals with shi­ny fur, won­derful fruit and vege­ta­bles. The insight into the medi­ca­ti­on books and the inco­me books com­ple­te­ly con­vin­ced him.

While stay­ing in a four-gene­ra­ti­on exten­ded fami­ly, he noti­ced some­thing spe­cial. 90 year old, still inte­gra­ted into the farm? His gre­at-grand­mo­ther intro­du­ced him to the solu­ti­on to the ridd­le. “The gold of the earth,” said the grand­mo­ther and took an anci­ent stone jug from the side­board. A magne­si­um oil, of cour­se from the sum­mit water. “Where’s the pro­blem?” she asked and smi­led. Her eyes flas­hed as she imme­dia­te­ly dab­bed him with the cap of the jug and mas­sa­ged it skillful­ly and quick­ly with her right hand. I’m loo­king for­ward to tomor­row,” said Ste­fan. Tomor­row?” asked the grand­mo­ther and said: Well, boy, you’ll know in half an hour.” The half hour had­n’t pas­sed yet and he tried in vain to feel the pain.

That was the initi­al spark!

Trans­der­mal magne­si­um for humans and ani­mals….

All of our pack­a­ging and con­tai­ners are desi­gned so that you can give them a second “life” (use). As gift pack­a­ging, refillable, deco­ra­ti­on or hel­per in the house­hold.

By purcha­sing our pro­ducts, you have not only set your posi­ti­ve CO2 foot­print and pro­tec­ted the envi­ron­ment, you are also ensu­ring that the most vul­nerable in Afri­ca, such as orphans, have access to germ-free drin­king water.

Paper V3


Using our magne­si­um liquid effec­tively helps to increase magne­si­um levels and help whe­re it is nee­ded.

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